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Internet Prices at

No gimmicks, no tricks, no haggling.

Our lowest price everyday of the week for internet customers.

We are pleased to present to you the two-tiered price structure for our lacquer boxes at - the Gallery List Price and the Internet Price. The Gallery List Price is the retail price for a box at our gallery in Baltimore. The lower Internet Price is the price we can offer you, our website customer, which you enjoy because of the efficiencies of the internet.

The Internet Price is an extraordinary value available to everyone who shops on the web. Unlike other businesses and sites which may artificially inflate their prices and then reduce them "just for you" in hopes of making their deal look extra special, our everyday internet price is our low fixed price and will usually be lower than our competitor's reduced prices on comparable boxes right from the start.

No gimmicks, no tricks, no haggling - you know exactly what the price will be, enabling you to concentrate on the selection of the artwork itself. In this age of endless sales, rebates, coupon books, gimmicks, customer clubs, come-ons, auctions, etc., we are sure that you will appreciate the simplicity, assurance, and honesty that we are giving you our lowest everyday price right up front. You won't find better values on the highest quality Russian lacquer boxes anywhere. This is what the Internet Price is all about.

One last thing - don't let the higher Gallery List Price scare you off from visiting us when you are in Baltimore! If you identify yourself as an internet user and give us your email address, we will offer you the lower internet price on any box when you are here (as well as give some tips on where to have a fine dinner in this area!)

Travelling to Baltimore or Washington, DC? Come see and purchase
from our collection in person. We have a special section for these items
inside our main store The Book Escape at 925 S. Charles Street in Baltimore.

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