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Item #0000100740

Sleeping Beauty (2005)

from Palekh by Mikhail Nebogatov
4.00" x 3.00" x 4.75"(10.50 x 8.00 x 11.50 cm)

Gallery Price: $ 1395.00
Internet Price: $ 1395.00
None currently available
This distinctively shaped box tells the tale of Sleeping Beauty. The story actually begins on the rear of the box, with the king and queen admiring their baby daughter. A bevy of fairies hover above the royal family, waiting to give their blessings to the princess. Unfortunately, one fairy is absent. Her invitation never came, and she's known to have a bad temper. The front shows the consequences, as the uninvited fairy sneaks away to the right, satisfied with her revenge. Luckily, a quick thinking fairy softened the curse from death to sleep, and has spread it to the entire castle so the princess will not wake up alone. The kind fairy leads a prince through the tangled forest which has engulfed the palace, so that he may kiss the princess and break the spell. The scene is beautifully painted in soft colors and sparkling accents, perfect for an enchanted slumber, while the bold clothing and white steed of the prince are a vivid reminder of the outside world.The artist of the box has designed another classy shape to paint his scenes. (Unfortunately, because of the unusual shapes and the angles of many of the boxes by Nebogatov, we never seem to get the best pictures of them with our camera, which never seems to do them justice.) This box has a small drawer in the front, with a red lacquer interior. This box is made of high quality papier mache and is signed on the top with the artist's name, village, and date of completion. It stands on four curved legs. An unusual work.

Lacquerbox Condition Ratings

Surface Condition (exterior) Surface Condition (interior/bottom) Box Materials and Soundness Hinge and Lid Placement Signature Total Rating Mother-of-pearl Condition

(Each category rated 1-10. For low scores, look for explanation in the description of box. In general, any total rating over 40 is excellent. For more information on rating system, click here.)

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