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Item #0000101477

Through the Trees (2008)

from Fedoskino by E. Shishkin
6.75" x 4.50" x 2.75"(17.15 x 11.43 x 6.99 cm)

Gallery Price: $ 995.00
Internet Price: $ 895.00
None currently available
This good sized box features a serene landscape with a small pond and birch trees in the center. There is golden glow behind the trees and one can just make out a few small wooden houses. The glow from the sunrise (or sunset) continues to the water below where the tall trees cast their reflection. More trees, grasses and other foliage surround the pond and create a very inviting environment. The artist, E. Shishkin, who is known for beautiful landscapes like this, paints with many small dabs of paint and the transition from one color to another is very smooth and natural. The box has several gold line ornaments on the side, as well as one that frames the composition. The box is made out of high quality papier mache and has a hinge at the top . The sides and bottom are black, the inside is red. It has a hinge at the top. The box is signed at the bottom of the composition with the name of the artist, village and year.

Lacquerbox Condition Ratings

Surface Condition (exterior) Surface Condition (interior/bottom) Box Materials and Soundness Hinge and Lid Placement Signature Total Rating Mother-of-pearl Condition

(Each category rated 1-10. For low scores, look for explanation in the description of box. In general, any total rating over 40 is excellent. For more information on rating system, click here.)

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